Chateau Lynch Moussas 2017
【James Suckling 93分】
【Wine Enthusiast 93分】
【Vinous 91分】
【Robert Parker 90+分】
【Wine Spectator 89分】
【JancisRobinson 16/20分】
【Vivino 4.1星】
Chateau Lynch Moussas 酒莊歷史可追溯至1610年,酒莊當時名為“Domainede Moussas-Bages”,由坐擁多處莊園的Jehan家族掌管。1728年,Drouillard家族收購了Domainede Moussas-Bages。1748年,Thomas Lynch從其妻子Elisabeth Drouillard手中接手Domaine de Moussas-Bages,隨後將其改名為靚茨酒莊(Chateau Lynch)。1835年,靚茨(Lynch)家族的Jean-Baptiste Lynch伯爵去世,靚茨酒莊也隨之被一分為二,成了如今的ChateauLynch-Moussas (靚茨摩斯酒莊)及靚茨伯酒莊(Chateau Lynch-Bages)。1847年,Chateau Lynch-Moussas由西班牙葡萄酒酒商瓦斯凱(theVasquez)家族所擁有。兩間酒莊皆於1855年被評選為列級莊第五級。
在️1919年,JeanCasteja收購了Chateau Lynch-Moussas。當時,Jean Casteja的旗下已擁有二級莊Chateau Pichon-LonguevilleBaron和Chateau Doisy-Vedrines等多家實力名莊。自此之後,酒莊一直由Casteja家族掌管,至今已有100年之久。1970年,JeanCasteja的兒子Emile Casteja接管酒莊,他掀起了一股變革之風。在他的帶領下,ChateauLynch-Moussas更新了葡萄園、釀造車間以及酒窖,使酒莊走上現代化發展的道路。到了21世紀,Emile Casteja的兒子PhilippeCasteja成為了新主人並一直掌管至今。
Lynch Moussas酒莊坐落於Pauillac產區的心臟地帶,擁有62公頃的葡萄園,與許多特級酒莊相鄰包括一級莊拉圖酒莊、二級莊Chateau Pichon-Longueville Baron等,受惠於名莊風土,能出產高質葡萄酒。葡萄藤種植在由鵝卵石、礫石、粘土組成的山脊上。經過精心處理,葡萄酒完美的展示了表達出其風土的豐富性。
【Wine Enthusiast 93分】
Owned by the prominent Castéja family, thiswine reflects signs of the estate's improvement. It has structure without greatweight, celebrating fruit as much as tannin.
【James Suckling 93分】
A very fine, polished 2017 with chocolate,walnut and spice. Just a hint of raw meat, too. Medium to full body, silkytannins and a savory finish. Orange peel, too. A blend of 81% cabernetsauvignon and 19% merlot. Needs two or three years to soften.
【Vinous 91分】
The 2017 Lynch-Moussas has a satisfying bouquetwith blackberry, briary, leather and cedar aromas that feel pure and focused.The palate is medium-bodied with grainy tannin. It is fresh and lively, thoughremains classic in style with cedar and graphite on the finish. Moderatelength. Just what you would expect - a well crafted Pauillac that will give twodecades of drinking pleasure.
【Robert Parker 90+分】
Medium to deep garnet-purple colored, the 2017 Lynch Moussas opens with herbal notes of wild sage and bay leaves over a core of warm blackcurrant, redcurrant jelly, cedar chest and pencil shavings. The medium-bodied palate is fairly chewy, with notable oak and just enough fruit, finishing with an invigorating herbal lift.
【Wine Spectator 89分】
Open-knit, with a core of damson plum and bitter cherry fruit, framed by a slight woodsy hint and showing iron and singed cedar notes on the finish. Displays the fresh fruit of the vintage but remains slightly grainy in texture. Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot. Best from 2021 through 2029. 15,000 cases made
【JancisRobinson 16/20分】
Deep greyish crimson. Darkly fragrant. But thepalate is rather slim and short of flesh so it finishes dry even though thetannins are light. Perhaps it will fill out in the middle with a little longerin barrel